Phil Taylor has been established as a traditional sign writer for over 30 years.


About Phil

Phil TaylorPhil Taylor restoring original artwork at Leamington Spa Train Station

I’m a traditional sign writer offering hand-painted signs, murals, trompe l'oeil artwork and gilding to clients throughout the UK. I began trading in 1982 so I have many years experience in the sign scene.

Customers include major breweries and sign companies where the designer has specified art and sign work to be applied 'off the brush'. This method has some advantages over vinyl: Signs and artwork can be applied directly onto a wide range of otherwise prohibitive / uneven substrates, including: pebble-dash, wooden beams, v-boarding, doors, brickwork, sign and black boards etc. Also painted signs are less likely to be tampered with.

Hand painted pictorial signs have excellent light fast properties and do not suffer the rapid fading ink problems often encountered with printed vinyl, especially when exposed to sunlight. On site design means customers can 'fine tune' for the look they need.

Phil TaylorVintage vehicle sign writing

I provide a comprehensive bespoke sign painting service. From house sign painting to commercial enterprises such as pubs, restaurants etc. As a freelance supplier to the sign trade, I service the needs of the modern designer, helping them to enhance trading environments both inside and out, throughout the UK.

Services include design, decoration and supply (where needed) of the following:
Pictorial signs, mural and tromp l'oeil artwork, off the brush painted signs, honours boards, A-boards, swing signs, vintage vehicle liveries, narrow boats, 3-D crests, carved or moulded letters, heraldry, gilding, pin striping and chalk boards. A speciality is my bespoke cut-out, shaped signs, executed in 50 year guaranteed Tricoya board.

I am often complimented by clients experiencing increased trading ('More feet through the door!') as a result of my signage and / or artwork created with empathy. 2016 work includes a spectacular trompe l'oeil mural for The Wheeltappers, Rugby. See also the photo of trompe l'oeil artwork adorning The Case is Altered pub at Five Ways, Warwickshire.

The Milk ChurnThe Milk Churn, Melksham, Wiltshire Phil Taylor receiving the Sign of the Year Award 2014Phil Taylor receiving the Sign of the Year Award 2014

In January 2015 I was delighted to receive The Inn Society's Sign of the year award 2014 for my hand painted artwork on the swing sign for 'The Milk Churn' Melksham, Wiltshire. This subject was a little 'surreal' as a left-handed sign writer is depicted painting the sign. I too am left-handed! (From the client's supplied artwork).

Clients include: Greene King, Hall and Woodhouse, Premier Inns, Wetherspoons, Diageo, Punch Taverns, Loch Fyne Restaurants, Guards Polo Club, Warwick District Council, Mary Portas Projects and many more.

Check out a full portfolio of my work on Flickr.

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